but the 'Zoom window' box is as simple as option-command-8 and then zooming in or out with the method you choose for zooming in or out. Needless to say, bringing up the 'temporary-zoom' box takes some practice.
more importantly, for the 'enable temporary zoom (control-option)' to work right, it's command-option-8 to turn the Zoom box on, then control-zoom all the way out, then control-option will make the window appear only while you hold down those keys. the reason i say this is because when you option-command-8, use Control to zoom in and out in the Zoom box if at appears nothing is happening, or command-option-(-) or command-option-(=). It's important to keep 'use scroll wheel with modifier keys to zoom' checked with a shortcut - i use Control. button lets you set the Zoom window size and some other stuff. once you check the 'Zoom in window' check box, the Options. Control-Option brings up the Zoom window only while you hold down those modifier keys. under Zoom, just click the box that says 'Zoom in window.' Option-Command-8 brings it up and makes it go away. I'm not sure how far back the info i am about to give goes, but on Lion in system prefs/universal access/seeing/zoom/ there is a preference you can set that is very much like Zoom It.